Saturday, August 31, 2019

History of Israel Essay

For thousands of years, the small land of Israel has been the site of countless wars between people who claim, for many different reasons, the land as their own. The struggle persists up to this day, and blood continues to spill over what the world considers its Holy Land. Israel’s Biblical Past When one wishes to look at Israel’s history, it is important to study Israel’s Biblical account. This precious volume recounts Israel’s roots, her period of slavery in Egypt, her beginnings as separate tribes in the Promised Land, and the uniting of these tribes under a monarchy. Wood, 1986, p. 3) Fortunately, Biblical accounts of Israel are supported by archaeological data, which makes the information in the Bible historically valid and reliable. Israel is the chosen land for the chosen people. From the Bible, we see that this land was promised by God as reward for Abraham’s faithfulness and obedience to His word. Abraham is considered the Father of the Jewish Nation, and his descendants were the direct beneficiary of God’s covenant with him. However, the journey to the Promised Land would not be easy; it was wrought with so much pain and sacrifices. For quite a long time, the descendants of Abraham were slaves to the Egyptians. Still, they held on to God’s word, and when they were finally freed from slavery by Moses, they began their exodus from Egypt into the Canaan, the land that God has chosen for them. After a generation of wandering, the Jews finally arrived at Canaan. There, they settled as separate tribes, but was eventually unified under one king. Israel’s first king was Saul, but his greatest king was David. After a succession of kings, Israel was banished by God because of their sins. Muslims came to invade the land claiming it as their spiritual land as well. Thus, the Jewish nation lost their Promised Land once again. The Diaspora Since the time that the Jews lost Israel, they have been scattered all over the world. This dispersion is called the Diaspora, and has deeper meanings than mere physical separation or migration to other places. This Diaspora is meant to remind the Jews that they are meant to be together in Israel as God intended them to be. Thus the desire to return to their spiritual land abides even after thousands of years of Diaspora. This longing to return to Israel is made more acute by the persecution of Jews in almost every place they go. While there were isolated pockets of stability, the attempt to settle elsewhere was generally a failure, and they took this as a sign that it is time to return home. The Homecoming A hundred years after the crusades, Jews began to return to Israel in small trickles. Israel then was under Muslim rule, as it has stood when the Crusades failed to retake the land from them. During this time Israel was called Palestine to make the distinction between Jewish Israel. For hundreds of years the Jews made their slow excruciating homecoming, strengthened only by their faith in God that He shall soon restore them to their land. Slowly over many generations, the number of Jews continued to grow. This Jewish homecoming was encouraged by the internal rift within the Ottoman Empire. On one side, the Ottoman Empire was fighting the rebellious Bedouins, while fending off challenges to the legitimacy of the Ottoman State. (Lewis, 1996, p. 333) Gradually, these internal conflicts weakened the once mighty empire. Within the first decade of the twentieth century, the empire lost all of its territories, including Israel, their crown jewel. Thus, the Ottoman Empire was no more. Finally by the end of the nineteenth century, the population of Jews in Palestine was big enough to exert some pressure over Palestine. In 1897, the First Zionist Congress was convened. This Congress formally declared the intention to establish a Jewish state within Palestine that will be recognized by the international community. This move was supported by Britain and the United States, who declared their favor over the creation of an independent Jewish state. However, the declaration did not find steam as the influx of Jews slowed down in the early twentieth century. The resurgence came in the 1940’s when the Holocaust killed millions of Jews in Europe. This unspeakable horror wrought upon the Jews solidified their resolve to build their own country and galvanized support from the international community. After World War II, the United Nations declared that Palestine be split in two, one for the Arabs and one for the Jews. As expected, the Arab world raised their objections against the division. Violence erupted immediately after this announcement and continued unabated until David Ben-Gurion, in accordance with the UN Partition Plan, declared independence for the Jewish nation and the creation of the State of Israel in May 14, 1948. The Holy Wars Right after the creation of the Israeli state, neighboring Arab countries surrounded Israel and attacked them from all sides. With sheer resolve to defend their homeland, the fledgling nation with an inexperienced army was able to repel the invading forces. In fact, the Jewish army went so far as advancing their forces, and occupying territories outside their mandated boundaries; this includes most of the land allocated for the Arabs under the Partition Plan, and half of Jerusalem which was supposed to be a UN-controlled city. A ceasefire was successfully negotiated with current occupation defining the new boundaries of Israel. As a result of the Arab invasion, Israel now straddles a land much bigger than what was given to them in the UN Partition Plan. Hundreds of thousands of refugees from both fronts resulted from this war of Israeli independence. The Jewish refugees who have been expelled from Arab lands continue to flock to Israel, while Arab refugees displaced by the Israeli territory continue to settle along the border in UN-sanctioned refugee camps. Even up to this day, Jews and Arabs trapped in the conflict pray for safe passage. The Promise of Israel Arabs and Jews stare at each other across the border in an uneasy truce. Even up to this day, lasting peace is an elusive dream as extremists from both sides threaten war at any time. Israel has created a deep and far-reaching conflict that affects the entire world. Arab terrorists attack the United States and Britain for being staunch allies of Israel, and the United States, in retaliation, is now holding a war in Iraq. And the violence goes on. That the Holy Land of Israel shall be the site of such violence is indeed mankind’s collective tragedy. Where the story of Israel shall take us, we can never know, but this much I am sure of: the war over the Holy Land will never stop until we find it in our hearts to forgive and accept one another. Perhaps it is the fate of a Chosen Land to never find peace until humanity makes peace with each another. The promise of the Holy Land is the promise of peace, and it is incumbent upon us to bring that promise to its final fulfillment.

Organizational Structure Paper Essay

The United States Army is one of many legal types of organizations of the armed forces and has been since June 1775. It is the largest and oldest of all the branches of the military and continues to dominate all threats aimed at the United States alongside the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines. Like many other organizations in the United States, the U.S Army has a structure of its own. From the top down, it functions as any other organization, but unlike most, every member of its team carries rank and has a chain of command to abide by. In the following I will describe and evaluate the structure and functions within the United States Army, compare it to its fellow branches, and explain its organizational design that has been the primary reason Americans have been kept free from tyranny and enjoy the freedoms taken for granted every day. Army Organizational Structure The United States Army has a structure that starts as high as the President of the United States down to the newest and youngest recruit soldier. Its organizational structure far exceeds that or your local neighborhood Wal-Mart, yet has far less â€Å"employees†. As of 2014, the U.S Army has a total strength of on or about 1,130,000 soldiers, that which include the Army National Guard and Army Reserve units (â€Å"The Official Homepage of the United  States Army†, 2014). Other than the President of the United States, orders go downhill following the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Army, Joint Chief of Staffs, then along to Regional Commands stationed globally. Thereafter, divisions are formed by brigades, which control battalions beneath them, formed by several units or companies of soldiers organized accordingly into platoons. Attempting to explain the organizational structure of an entire military branch would be rather extensive and complicated, therefore the following will breakdown the basic structure of a U.S Army company. Similar to nonmilitary organizations, the U.S Army has a structure that coincides with one another to be able to function properly. No matter the type of battalion, either it consist of Armored, Infantry, Airborne, or Calvary soldiers, a Headquarters company is and always will be the core to a battalion. That company staffs a variety of soldiers with particular jobs that range from administration (S1), intelligence (S2), training and operations (S3), logistics (S4), communication (S6), medical, mechanic, and any other type of military occupational specialty (MOS) that primarily functions to support its entire battalion. All these so called â€Å"S Shops† work alongside each other and handle the day to day business as well as prepare units for training exercises and overseas deployments. Similar organizations that resemble the U.S Army would be that of the Marine Corps and the Navy. Even though these branches fight to defend the United States and its interest right alongside the U.S Army, each of their â€Å"mission statement† differs slightly. The United States Marine Corps works closely with the U.S Navy when it comes to training and combat deployments. Like the U.S Army, they both have similar rank structures that move up the chain of command until it hits the President of the United States. A few differences between these branches though, the Marine Corp Commandant reports directly to the Secretary of the Navy, as does the U.S Navy, unlike the U.S Army, which reports to the Secretary of the Army. Organizational Functions The United States Army has many functions that influence its determination on keeping its soldiers properly trained, physically and mentally tough, and readily available to deploy within a few days of after being called for combat operations. To be able to train a soldier, willing and able men and women must first enlist into the U.S Army. No matter their reasons of joining, either school or patriotism, they are all trained as equals. For this to happen, marketing campaigns must be advertised to be able to recruit. Television commercials demonstrate briefly the life of a soldier and the benefits, not only to him/herself, but their families and the courage it takes to join the â€Å"Army of One†. Recruiters often visit local high schools in attempts to enlist soon to be high school graduates. Others wander around shopping malls handing out brochures, speaking to interested men and women on what it takes to be a soldier. All this is only possible if the United States Army is financially able. Like all other organizations, they must follow a specific budget that continuously gets cut for political reasons. The U.S Army has an estimate number of soldiers that it can recruit and have enlisted at certain times under the units structural guidelines. These numbers and structure fall under the Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE). An excess of soldiers in various units account for numerous war time enlistments aimed at maintaining strength in numbers. But what happens when there are no more wars to be fought? Excess soldiers of certain military occupational specialties are deemed unnecessary and honorably discharged before their end of term is officially over. On the civilian side, this is known as downsizing. The army chain of command is what keeps the U.S Army organized and disciplined. Not all orders given are always performed to the letter and many are sometimes unjustified. For these reasons, there is also a human resources department within a battalion. When some issues need greater attention and not are able to be handled within a unit, the Post Inspector General can be contacted. The Inspector General, or IG, help enforce all army regulations that involve soldiers of any rank and also their families  when need be. IG helps assist commanders in handling punishments, what is allowed, and what actions are authorized in simply punishing a soldier temporarily or discharging him/her from service. Usually, when IG is contacted, it is for negative reasons, but there always has to be a strong hand to enforce and influence the continuous control of soldiers, from Private to Captains, regulations know no rank. Following rules are important for the sustainment of the organizational structure and daily operations. Organizational Design There are several organizational designs that best suit the United States Army’s needs and support its organizational structure. Just one would not suffice to assist the U.S Army market its branch of service and promote the value of its organization. Stating the obvious, the U.S Army was born in the United States, yet has bases worldwide. After wars fought in a number of different countries, the U.S Army has made it a point to continue showing its presence by establishing bases in countries such as Germany, Korea, Japan, Afghanistan, and Iraq, giving the United States a geographical advantage. The product it provides consist of customer based relations; supporting and defending the citizens of our country. Army bases overseas report to their Regional Commands depending on the part of the world they are based. This structure continues to allow generals abroad to command its bases yet still must report to the higher echelon in Washington D.C. The fact to remember is, the United States Army is an organization that does not sell material products, but creates soldiers out of men and women to continue fighting, defending, and preserving our land of the free and home of the brave. Conclusion After 239 years serving our country, the United States Army has long proved to Americans that it is a force to be reckoned with. The structure used today has allowed the armed forces to control, enforce, and withstand all others when threatened. Throughout the years all other branches of service  evolved to create a team that no other country on earth can match. With all these organizations united, it is doubtful that the United States of America will continue to rule as the superior force on earth and will remain that way for all time. References Business Dictionary. (2014). The Official Homepage of the United States Army. (2014). Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Level Operations

Level Operations, small company located in Pennsylvania, manufacturers a variety of security devices and safes. Several different models of safes (S7-S8-S9-S1-S2) are available for purchase and due to increased demand the production facility has been enlarged to accommodate the additional production needs. Production manager Stephanie Cole must determine the best production quantity per cycle for each day of the week. She understands that partially completed safes are not permitted (each cycle must turn out finished cycles). Stephanie consulted the engineering department; they have determined the best production sequence is S7-S8-S9-S1-S2.Stephanie must comprehend the large picture of production demand in order to ensure the product availability to meet the needed demand. The ultimate goal should be a balanced operation system. One that makes the process time as short as possible, eradicate disruptions and eliminate waste (excess inventory)(Stevenson,2012). Stephanie was given weekly quantity demands; she must first break those numbers down to daily production demands, determine the number of cycles to run daily, and how many of each safe model to produce in any given cycles as shown in Figure 1. The cycle time should be set to equal the takt time.Takt time is defined as â€Å"the cycle time needed to match customer demand for final products† (Stevenson, 2012). By only running three cycles per day, the company is producing fewer inventories. Additionally, the company is practicing lean production techniques by not allowing work-in-process inventory (reducing carry costs and space requirements) and lot sizes are small; yielding the similar benefits but also exhibiting better quality control and minimal inspection time if errors do arise. Stephanie has determined the best production quantity per cycle for each day of the week (Figure 2).Figure 3 forecasts the quantity demanded versus the quantity supplied over the five week time frame. Model S8 and S9 are showing excessive inventories. However, by using a lean flexible production system Stephanie has the ability to decrease the units made during each cycle. By waiting to decrease the units per cycle till the later weeks in the production timeline; Stephanie is eliminating waste, and reducing the possibility of bottlenecks effects in the starting days of production. All other models are meeting their target numbers creating zero excessive inventories.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why We Need The Exclusionary Rule Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Why We Need The Exclusionary Rule - Term Paper Example It is widely agreed that evidence needs to be credible for it to be accepted by the courts. Undoubtedly, the credibility of the evidence is greatly influenced by the modes of its collection. In this regard, it cannot be disputed that police procedures play a significant role in determining the credibility of the given evidence. One of the procedural factors that have raised controversies in the recent past pertains to the role of the exclusionary rule in collection of evidence. This paper provides an in depth analysis of whether we need the exclusionary rule or not. In order to enhance justice by ensuring that evidence employed in courts from the police is credible, we do need the exclusionary rule. Thesis Statement In order to enhance justice by ensuring that evidence employed in courts from the police is credible, we do need the exclusionary rule. Background Information The exclusionary rule is anchored on the provisions of the Fifth Amendment. Basically, it postulates that objects used by the courts as evidence are not credible if they are obtained without a legitimate search warrant or illegally. The constitutional roots of this rule date back to the Gouled vs United States case of 1921. In this case, the Supreme Court maintained that although the government had a legal right to seize contraband; it did not have a right to seize property for the sole purpose of using the same as evidence (Josephson, 2009). Of course, there are certain instances where the evidence obtained from warrantless police searches is acceptable or admissible in the courts of law. Specific instances in this regard include searches conducted in airports, in cases where something is considered as a plain view, when police officers are effecting a lawful arrest or when the officers lack sufficient time to obtain a warrant of arrest. In the later, delays in effecting the arrest can have adverse impacts on the evidence. Issues relating to Exclusionary Rule The exclusionary rule plays an im portant role of preventing the police from violating the fundamental rights as well liberties of the members of the public. Warrants are official documents that are issued by judges whenever they deem it necessary to search the premises in a bid to recover or obtain important evidence. Certainly, they are issued when the respective judges believe that evidence can be found within the indicated premises. Besides enabling the police to recover critical evidence, the rule ensures that the holistic well-being of the Americans is safeguarded as it was proved in the case of Langdon v. People, 133 Illinois 382 [1890]. In this case, the court held that it was not in order for â€Å"seizure pursuant to search warrant of official state documents was unlawful within appellant’s possession†. Nonetheless, it should be appreciated that the rule is limiting in various scenarios. This is compounded by the increasing complexity of the crimes. Current trends indicate that the frequency and complexity of crimes has increased significantly therefore, requiring the police to have a search warrant in all scenarios can limit effective recovery of critical evidence. Moreover, failing to use reasonable and necessary force in certain instance can inhibit evidence recovery efforts by the police. In light of the preceding limitations, the exclusionary rule is not necessary. According to Lynch (2000), the legality of the exclusionary rule is uncertain. This is because it is neither underscored in the national constitution nor evaluated at length in the Framers’ writings. At this point, it should be appreciated that the above-mentioned documents are the founding documents of the American legal sphere. Generally,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wind Shield Survey Community Assessment of a community in Queens , NY Term Paper

Wind Shield Survey Community Assessment of a community in Queens , NY - Term Paper Example The Wind Shield survey is a health client community that conducts surveys on continuing and comprehensive practices that are preventive, curative and rehabilitative. It also assesses the method in which a series of questions are used to collect data for analysis of specific group or area. The philosophy of care is based on the belief that health cares are directed to individual, family and the communities contribute to the health care of a population as a whole . Community parameters and history of community client The involvement of consumers of health care is encouraged in the development of community activities that contribute to the promotion of education and maintenance of good health. In order to achieve these activities, a comprehensive health programs are required that pay a special attention to social and ecological influences and specific population that is at a risk. As a community client, nurses should focus on environmental features such as physical, cultural, psychosoci al and political features that ensure good health of the population. As a matter of fact, Zuckerman (1998) adds that community client is not restricted to provision of health care to a particular age or diagnostic group but the health nurse is practicing their profession to all people without any biases. A healthy community is one that makes wise use of its resources and is prepared to meet the dangers and threats that may arise as a result of factors encountered when dealing with health problems. This has been the mandate and the aim of the community client over a quite a long time to ensure a mutual relationship between the community and the location . Community client and Windshield Survey assessment According to the ideas presented by Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (2008), they put it that in assessing the performance of Wind Shield survey in New York, a close examination of the original survey data on beneficiary is needed. According to our expectations, the general satisfact ion with the WindShield survey intervention should be high. However, the evidence was found that the endeavor of the WindShield survey to redress the balance between the rich and the poor communities was fairly satisfactory . There was a neglect of the isolated communities possibly due to cost reasons and that the accessibility of the WindShield Survey to beneficiary communities is lower in poor communities. As asserted by Shi and Singh, (2010), these factors significantly reduced the client community satisfaction with Windshield survey. The levels of Windshield survey induced community participation in decision making which also varied with some evidence that participation has an effect on community satisfaction Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (2008).Among the dissatisfaction that the members of the Windshield survey were accused of were self-serving, unresponsive and less than good in whatever they were doing. Assessment of Windshield Survey workers was also done. This was obtain ed through evaluation of the physicians and other professionals caring for the client . With the principles of continuity of care in mind, the nurses’ assessment on condition of care and treatment was done. Also all individuals receiving Medicare were also assessed using the OASIS guidelines. OASIS is an assessment tool developed to measure the outcomes of persons receiving the home health care. After this, assessment of the family was carried out as asserted by Shi

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Course work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Course work - Essay Example How can managers guard against this kind of ‘relapse’? In order to get certification, companies work hard and spend lot of money and resources to meet the set standards. But this process always has the risk of being mistaken as an obligation only upto the moment when the company gets certification. It is often forgotten that quality has to be a constant concern. Once the company gets the certification, there is a tendency to relapse into the old pattern. To guard against this kind of relapse, managers have to always keep an alert atmosphere in the company. There should always be a thrust towards improvement. There should be routine reviews, documentation and updation. When the quality is continuously maintained through these measures, there will be no fear of relapse. Q3. If you have been employed in an organization that has gone through the Baldridge or ISO process, share your experiences. What challenges did you face? Was the payoff to the organization worth the effort? My company had gone through all important accreditation processes. The employees were also fine tuned to the needs of maintaining high quality. At middle manager level, there were routine review meetings. For the certification process, we were maintaining large amount of documents. The process of documentation was a continuous process. But these documents helped us to show case our organization in a candid way before our prospective partner organizations. The risks that my organization faces related to my area of responsibility are primarily lack of coordination because I am entrusted with channnelizing information up and down the middle manager level. If I am absent or fail to do my work properly, there will be lot of confusion both for the clients and the senior managers. Also I have to maintain a client profile so that at any point, every minute information is available regarding each client. My management is fully aware of these risks. They have provided me with all

Monday, August 26, 2019

Multigenre paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multigenre paper - Essay Example Power is now vested in institutions and not individuals, further, these institutions are designed in a way that allows them to manage and check the powers borne by every institution. However, the absence of a critical example in modern day does not mean such examples never existed, on the contrary, there are a myriad of such examples. One critical lesson to be learnt from the absolute power contexts is that it only leads to vicious, ruthless, and corrupt leadership. This research takes interest in the life of Al Capone; his is an example of a man born in poverty and rose to become the head of a vicious criminal gang in Chicago, actually, head of crime in Chicago (Bardsley). Through him the transformation of a man by power is manifest and the result of having greater power is obvious. Review Al Capone was a Chicago mobster, one of the most talked about gang leaders in the history of United States. However, Al Capone’s life was not entirely laden with crime; he had started off a s an honest young boy, who sought to lead a decent life like his father, who ran a barbershop. His effort to lead a balanced life was disrupted by two men Johnny Torrio and Frankie Yale (Balsamo 8). Both men were gang leaders with the only difference being their means of managing their criminal activities. Torrio was a diplomatic and a shrewd businessman who silently and wisely expanded his criminal activities (Lorrizo 24). He was the first criminal leader Al Capone worked under and had a chance to interact and learn from. The other was Yale; Yale was a brutal man who expanded his criminal reach through brute and murder. Al Capone had a chance to work under him as well. However, it was through Torrio that Al Capone honed his criminal life, as expected he had learnt from two extremes and he never shied from implementing the lessons from his mentors (Eig-WSJ). Being shrewd and brutal allowed for his fast expansion owning brothels, gambling houses and bootlegging businesses in quick su ccession (Knight 54). This built up his empire fast enough and allowed him a lot of power. Unlike his preferred mentor, Torrio, Al Capone led a more public life which meant his actions were much more publicized than Torrio’s (Capone 29). Under his leadership, following Johnny Torrio’s retirement, Al Capone became a target by rival gangs and by Chicago’s authority. This fact seemed to make him more brutal and unforgiving a characteristic of absolute power. His monster side was defined by two events; one was when he ordered the murder of his two sworn enemies in 1926 and when he masterminded St. Valentine’s Day massacre in 1929 (Capone 52). Both of these events dealt a major blow to his reputation and provided a leeway for his prosecution (Eig 321). He was duly sentenced on June 1931 and committed to 11 years in prison (Al Capone Museum). Comparison Al Capone’s turnaround from an honorable childhood to a vicious gang leader reads like a tale. However , it is a true reflection of what unchecked power would do to an individual. His rise and subsequent fall is reminiscent of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Macbeth is a play about an army general who served diligently and led conquests for the king only to be misguided by witches and his personal ambitions and affinity for power. He ended up killing his king and together with his evil wife masterminded other deaths of probable heirs and likely opposition

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Physical and Mental Effects of Down Syndrome Research Paper

Physical and Mental Effects of Down Syndrome - Research Paper Example According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Down syndrome can be found in approximately 1 child in every 800-1,000 births and is a life-long condition. Seeking to explain the aspects of Down syndrome to the lay reader, the following will discuss Down syndrome in a thorough and comprehensive attempt to understand this disorder. The following research paper will commence with an overview of the condition, the factors which may lead to the occurrence of Down syndrome and discuss the ramifications of this condition on the life of an affected child as well as on later life. This research paper will begin with a concise introduction to Down syndrome as an inherited condition and will explore the health ramifications found among people with this condition. Following this, an exploration of the physical and mental effects of Down syndrome will provide much insight into the ramifications of this condition on the lives of the people it affects. After a concise an alysis of the multitude of health ramifications of this disorder, an overview of the relationship between dementia and Down syndrome will focus on the correlation between these two important health issues. This will be followed by a thorough overview of the ethical issues surrounding Down syndrome and the increased likelihood of elective abortion when this condition is present. Seeking to provide a thorough introduction to guide this analysis, this research paper now turns to an introduction to Down syndrome (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2009; Selikowitz 2007). Down syndrome is caused by a random event which occurs during the formation of reproductive cells during the early stages of a pregnancy. It has traditionally been believed that there is a link between maternal age at the time of conception and the incidence of Down syndrome among newborn babies.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Hitler-Mussolini Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hitler-Mussolini - Essay Example He was considered the master of Europe because of the series of decisive victories which also convinced him that he was the greatest military commander of all time because of his infallible intuition. Instead of appealing to the intelligence of his audience, his speech was designed to appeal to the emotion. Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician, the leader of the National Fascist Party and one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism. He was an Italian dictator from 1922-1943 who founded the Fascist Party and was the editor of Avanti, the party’s organ. Being a socialist made him anti-clerical, antireligious, anti-imperialist, anti-monarchial and believed that to achieve a socialist society, direct action and violence must be achieved (Smyth, 1988) Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau, Austria-Hungary. His father, Alois, was the illegitimate son of Marianne Schickel-gruber who was a servant girl who had worked in a Jewish household. He later changed his name to Alois Hitler. Adolf was the son of his father’s third wife, Klara Poelzl Hitler, 23 years his junior. They were six children but only two reached the age of maturity, himself and a younger sister Paula, who died in 1960. Adolf’s adolescence was unusual because it lasted until his death. His intellectual, emotional, artistic and sexual development was not fully developed. He was famous for his temper tantrums. This is one aspect of Hitler’s state of mind. He seemed to have grown-up immaturely. (Waite, 1988) Benito Mussolini was born at Dovia on July 29, 1883. A devoutly Catholic mother and an anti-clerical father raised him. His mother had him baptized into the Roman Catholic and they attended mass on Sundays. His time at a religious boarding house was regarded as punishment by him comparing his experience to hell. He was once dragged by force to church when he refused

Friday, August 23, 2019

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and Essay

Describe a person or event that has had a profound impact on you and the way you look at the world - Essay Example The simultaneous attacks were the adversaries' ploy to exhibit their competence boldly defying American sovereignty. Sandwiched between these warring nations are innocent lives that are needlessly lost. It was indeed a distressing incident that will forever be etched in the history of mankind. I am deeply moved by the sudden turn of events. The fateful event significantly changed my outlook in life. It's not just the United States of America that was involved in that tragic incident. I awakened to the stark realization that we are presently living in a very harsh world and that we cannot afford to be indifferent. As a youth and international student, I became aware of the responsibilities ahead of me. I know very well that our generation is next in line in molding and shaping a better world. Amidst the incessant controversies, it is very crucial to observe and learn from the things that had ensued. Although disastrous and heartrending, the 9/11 disaster brought forth present-day heroes. I admire the common people who have risked their lives in order to save others. I am in awe of the courageous men and women who chose to lose their lives for the benefit of many.

Argumentative Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Argumentative - Research Paper Example Sugarmann (2001) found that between 1962 and 2001, an astonishing 670,000 Americans were killed by handguns, and that ‘Our nation leads the industrialized world in firearms violence of all types’ (p. 177). Spitzer (2008) agrees that in recent years, ‘more than 30,000 Americans have been killed annually as the result of the homicidal, accidental, and suicidal use of guns’ (p. 7). This problem takes on even more worrying proportions when the American statistics are compared with those of other democratic and industrialized countries. In 1995, for example, the United States firearms death rate was 13.7 per 100,000, in Canada it was 3.9 per 100,000 and in England and Wales it was just 0.4 per 100,000 (Sugarmann, 2001, p. 178). The perhaps surprising gulf between the statistics for the United States and for other countries prompted DeConde (2001) to ask, ‘Why†¦with all its wealth and power, has the United States failed time and again to establish a leg al structure that†¦would confine gun violence within bounds at least comparable to those of other advanced democratic countries?’ (p. 6). Guns in America are relatively cheap, readily available, and not regulated to any effective extent. In the other countries mentioned above, tighter gun laws which mainly keep weapons out of the hands of private citizens are an effective safeguard against firearms violence, but in America no effective regulations exist. The gun control debate is regularly intensified by appalling examples of unrestrained gun violence, as has recently occurred with the shootings at Tucson, Arizona. By taking another of these events as an example, we will see how existing gun control regulations are failing. In 1998, Russell Weston, Jr. managed to smuggle a gun into the Capitol building in Washington D.C., and killed two police officers and wounded a bystander before he could be stopped. Weston had previously spent time in a mental hospital in Montana, a fact which should have excluded him from purchasing handguns, but he was still able to obtain an Illinois gun license. In this case, it was the lack of an effective national system for sharing records which was to blame, but in other cases it has been the scarce legislation in some states, and the lack of comprehensive and effective background checks. Furthermore, there appears to be strong popular support for great controls on guns in the United States. Canter (2006) examined the findings of polls by Gallup and Harris, among other national surveyors, and found that they ‘consistently reveal strong support (85-90 per cent)for the Brady Law, even among gun owners (75-80 per cent’ (p.36). The Brady law was passed in 1993, and introduced a 5-day waiting period for handgun purchases, during which background checks were to be conducted to ascertain if the purchaser was suitable. Brady, incidentally, was wounded when defending President Reagan from gunfire, and has since been a prominent campaigner on gun controls. Anti-thesis Several anti-gun control groups, and notably the National Rifle Association (NRA) have long claimed that tighter gun control laws would not be the best approach to tackling gun violence in the United States. As the prominent NRA slogan states, ‘Guns don’t kill; people do’ (Canter, 2006, p.3). It should be noted that organizations such as the NRA use their considerable financial influence to lobby politicians in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Career Goals Essay Example for Free

Career Goals Essay Have you ever had a goal in life you just had to reach? Well my goals in life are to join the navy and become a civil engineer. I realize that there are numerous ways to become a civil engineer, but I chose to join the navy because I feel it would be most beneficial to me. My first career goal after high school is to join the navy. To do this I will need to meet with a recruiter. Also I will need to take the asvab, after taking the asvab I will also need to take a series of fitness tests. Once in the navy I will need to attend officer candidate school, also I will need to attend civil engineering corps Officer School. After I have completed this I will also need to acquire a four year degree in civil engineering. Some of the reasons I want to join the navy. One reason I want to join the navy is because while in the navy they will send me to collage at no cost to me. Another reason is because if I enlist long enough I will be eligible to retire. Also I want to join the navy so I can travel the world. In order to become a civil engineer I chose to join the navy. I chose to join the navy over just going to collage because I believe that the navy has more to offer me. Some added benefits of joining the navy is they will provide me with a job. Also some benefits are I will get paid while I’m in school, also they will provide me a place to stay. Some added requirements of being in the navy are that I have to attend officer candidate school and also I must attend civil engineering corps officer school. A specific that I need to become a civil engineer is I need a four year degree in civil engineering. My two top choices of collages to get this degree at are either the University of Washington, or the University of Arizona. Different paths I could of chose are getting a degree in technical engineering, or electrical engineering. I chose civil engineering because I feel it will most prepare me for the career I have chosen. My career goals in life are to join the navy and become a civil engineer. The reason I chose this is I feel that the navy offers me more of an opportunity to travel and also to get hands on experience. Another reason I chose the navy is they will pay for my schooling.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Introduction To Space Technology Information Technology Essay

Introduction To Space Technology Information Technology Essay Without them, space exploration would be impossible. Rockets and space shuttles help transport people to space. Satellite telescopes and space stations help people explore space. They also help us understand space better by taking pictures of stellar objects. The ISS International Space Station has begun constructed in 1998.It will house up to 700 astronauts with a connection of modules as two football fields. There might also be a satellite that can take pictures far beyond what we have today. (1) Highly developed space technologies are required to make possible many potential space activities and to less the cost and improve the performances of others. The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, which created the NASA, directed the Agency to accomplish the Nations Civil Space Activities to contribute significantly to the preservation of the role of the United States as a leader in Aeronautical and Space Sciences and Technology. (2) We all know the importance of satellite based technology in our daily lives as well as conventional military hard ware. After the cold war the development of satellites and electronic warfare technology enter into force of almost every field of conventional warfare. The usage of satellite technology primarily concerns and tactical advantages based on satellite surveillance, communication affect the opponents in conventional war. The problem of poor visibility or bad weather does not affect satellite weapons such as joint direct munitions (JDAM) and joined stand off weapon (JSOW). These weapons can be deployed in all weather condition without the need of any ground support it works upon GPS. Development of Pakistans space program: The Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) also known as the Pakistan Space Agency of the Pakistani government, responsible for nations public space program. SUPARCO was established on September 16, 1961 by the order of President Muhammad Ayub Khan on the advice of its founding director, Abdus Salam. (3) History: Pakistans mission to pursue peaceful space technology began in the early 1960s.It was Dr. Abdus Salams advice to the president of Pakistan to establish a National Space Agency of Pakistan. It was decided to set up a committee dealing with Space Sciences. A Space Science Research Wing of the Pakistans Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC ) was established through an Executive order of the President of Pakistan General Ayub Khan which was addressed to Dr.I H Usmani , the chairman of PAEC . The program of rocket firings was entrusted to the chairman of PAEC. (4) Dr. Abdus Salam was appointed its first chairman. On June 7 1962, under the leadership of Air Cdre. Wladyslaw Jozef Marian Turowicz, a two stage rocket, Rehbar-I was launched from the Sonmiani Satellite Launch Center. Pakistan was the third country in Asia and the tenth in the world to conduct such a launching. (5) The United States launch first rocket from Pakistani soil. The launch used the combination of two US rocket motors the NIKE CAJUN launched from Sonmiani, 50 Km west from Karachi .( 6 ) The rocket reached an altitude of almost 130 Km. The US Space Agency NASA hailed the launch at the beginning of a program continuing co-operation in space research of mutual interest. The NASA SUPARCO co-operation agreement called for the training of Pakistani scientists and technicians at Guddard space flight center and Wallops Island NASA also set up research associates and fellowship programs at American universities. In 1981 SUPARCO planed Astronautic program with NASA. But due to the space shuttle challenger incident the program was p ut on hold. Later it was cancelled in 1990. (6) On 8 March 1966, President Ayub Khan constituted SUPARCO as a separate organization. Dr Abdus Salam , along with Dr. W J M Turowicz, led a team of aerospace engineers and rocket scientists to design a Rehbar sounding rocket series.(7) Dr Abdus Salam also established space centers in different cities of Pakistan like Karachi and Lahore. He also initiated an aerospace engineering program in SUPARCO. He was one of the pioneering figures in the 1960s to lead Pakistan in the space power world. He knows the importance of space and nuclear technology his efforts were also involved in the development and installation of high powered astronomical telescope at Karachi University. He also established aero space engineering course at PAF Academy.(8) Though the Pakistani space program was frozen several times like in 1970s, by the government of Pakistan , President Yahya Khan and PM Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto froze it more than a decade then again in 1993s both nuclear and space program due to economic depression. This space program was defreeze by then President General Pervaiz Mussharraf and the agency developed a satellite development program rapidly but on the other hand Indian space Research organization(ISRO) progress very well as ESA, NASA and Chinese space agency. SUPARCO faced strict sanctions on the import of various materials required to manufacture and launch rockets during early 90s from USA and Russia. The delay of Russian launch vehicle also resulting the long delay for th e launch of Badr B, Pakistans second satellite, These events had an immense impact on SUPARCOs plan to launch and place its own satellite in orbit. (9) Beside the talented space and nuclear scientists Pakistan followed the policy of deliberate ambiguity for many decades. Thats why its still unclear what the plans and operations as well as the capability of SUPARCO and its facilities are? Comparison of Pakistan and India space program: Badr -1: SUPARCO with the help of Amateur Radio Society started building the small Amateur radio satellite in late 1986. Badr -1 was planned to be launched on the US Space Shuttle, but Challenger explosion and consequent delay in American flight changed the plan. (10) Badr -A was Pakistans first indigenously developed satellite and was launched from the Xichang Launcher Center, China on July 16, 1990 aboard a Chinese Long March 2E rocket. Badr- 1 weighted 150 pounds. It was designed for a circular orbit at 250- 300 miles altitude, the satellite successfully completed its designed life. (11) Badr -B: Pakistans second satellite was Badr -B .It was an earth observation satellite and was launched on 10 December 2001 on a Zenit 2 rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. It was designed by Space Innovations Limited from the UK. (12) Pakistan has only operated one small satellite in LEO; the countrys modest space program has long been leaning toward remote sensing applications. A data processing infrastructure has been established to exploit earth observation data transmitted by Land sat, NOAA, and SPOT satellites. Further SUPARCO is preparing for the commercial launch of a simple Pakistani satellite with earth imaging capabilities. It was expected that SUPARCO would launch the second Badar -II satellite in1993 but target was not achieved. The Badr -II will help Pakistan in making of infrastructure for space competent system and achievement of know how and capability in the field of satellite attitude control. (12) PakSat-1: PakSat-1 was Pakistans first geostationary satellite. The satellite was initially known as Palapa C1 and was designed to serve Indonesia after an electronics failure, it was renamed Anatolia 1 and then renamed again to PakSat-1i in was originally manufactured by Boeing and used the HS 601 spacecraft design. It was launched on February 1, 1996. (13) PakSat-1 currently severing a number of regional customers including, TV broadcasters, telecom companies, data and broad band internet services providers as well as government organizations. PakSat-1 will be replaced before its end of life by PakSat- 1R to ensure continuity of service. (14) PakSat- 1R Satellite: PakSat- 1R Satellite will replace the existing paksat -1 in 2010.under the agreement Telesat will help the Pakistani agency find a manufacturer, technical and commercial advice and also to help supervise the construction of new satellite and monitor the launch and in-orbit testing services. Haft Ballistic Missile Project: Despite of space program SUPARCO initiated Pakistan nuclear missile development program in early 1980s.scientists from KRL and SUPARCO developed colaboratlly Haft missiles series. It was reviled in 1989.with the successful launch of an indigenous multi stage rocket into the deep space. Which was said 480 Km deep into the space. Recently SUPARCO has tested two high altitude hyper sonic sounding rockets (Shaper and Rakhnum). This is claimed to be a 3 stage liquid fuel rocket and get the altitude of 1000 Km. (15) Shaheen III satellite launch vehicle (SLV): Its a 3 stage SLV and can carry the payload of 100 Kg to an orbit of 450-500 km above earth surface. (16) Indian Space Research Organization: The national space program was formally organized in 1972 with the formation of space commission, the department of space (DOS) and Indian space organization (ISRO) to promote the development and application of space technology and socio economic benefit of the country. Space commission is the policy making body and these policies are implemented by department of space .research and development activities are carried out through Indian space research orgnisation.the over all co-ordination of the space program is carried out by program offices of ISRO in different areas like satellite communication, earth observation systems, space sciences, launch vehicles, international co-operation and industrial co-ordination etc. (17) Major establishments of the department of space include: National remote sensing agency (NRSA): NRSA located in Haiderabad is an antonymous institution supported by department of space .its main task is acquisition, processing and distribution of data from remote sensing satellites. It has an earth station that receives data from Indian remote sensing satellites, US-LANDSAT and NOAA, French SPOT and also acquires micro wave data from European remote sensing satellite (ERS).NRSA is also responsible for Indian institute at Dehradun.(17) b) Physical research laboratory (PRL): it is located at Ahmadabad. It is a premier center for research in space and allied sciences. PRLs main research areas are ASTRONOMY, ASTRO PHYSICS, PLANETARY ATMOSPHERE, EARTH SCIENCES, SOLAR SYSTEMS STUDIES and THEORETCIAL PHYSICS. It also manages solar observatory at Udaipur. c) National mesosphere -stratosphere troposphere radar facility (NMRF): this facility conducts atmospheric research and also available for national and international scientists.(17) d) Vikram sarabhai space center (VSSC): it is located at Thiruvanthapuram. It is the main establishment for all rockets and launch vehicle programs. Its major research areas are Aeronautics, Launch Vehicles, Avionics, Propellants, and Composites, Solid propulsion, mechanical computers and system reliability.(17) e) ISRO Satellite center (ISAC): ISAC is the lead establishment in research and development of satellite technology. Its main areas of activities are Power systems, Digital systems, communications, Microwaves, Thermal systems, Space craft mechanisms, Assembly and testing. It also carries out research and development in the field of Electro optic sensors and other relevant systems of satellites.(17) f)Shar center : Shar Center is located in Sriharikota (Tamilnado)is the main launch center of ISRO. It acquired all facilities required for a launch mission including range instrumentation, mission analysis, range safety, and meteorology. This center also has the facilities for processing and ground testing solid propellant motors required for launch vehicles. Shar also operates the launch ranges at Kerala. (18) g) Liquid propulsion systems center (LPSC): the activities of LPSC are carried out at different places like Bangalore Thiruvanthapuram. h) Space application center (SAC): Space application center is located at Ahmadabad. Its major areas of activity consist of satellite communication and remote sensing. Including micro wave remote sensing .it also operates Delhi Earth station for satellite communication. (18) i) ISRO Telemetry, tracking and command network (ISTRAC): This establishment provides mission support nearer satellites and launch vehicle missions. It has also established a vast network of ground stations at Bangalore, Lucknow, port blar, siriharikota, tamilnado , bears lake ,Mauritius and many others . j)Development and educational communicational unit (DECU): it is located at Ahmadabad. It is involved in conception, definition, planning, and implementation and socio economic evaluation of space application.(19) k) INSAT Master control facility (MCF): INSAT Master control facility is located at Hassan is responsible for all post launch operations on INSAT satellites which includes orbit Manoeubres , station keeping and on orbit operation of the space craft.(19) l) ISRO Inertial system unit (IISU): It is located at Thiruvanthapuram. Its area of research and development includes navigation systems, satellites inertial systems integration and simulation of inertial systems, bearing and space technology.(19) m)Antrix Corporation limited: it is marketing agency under the department of space which markets satellite components and sub systems. It also provides satellite fabrication, launch services and tracking facilities. (20) Major technological programs and achievements: From a Modest beginning in 1963 with the launch of small rocket from Thumba Thiruvanthapuram, Indian space program has come along way. Today Indian national satellite system (INSAT)and the Indian remote sensing satellite system (IRS)are the vital elements of national infra structure for telecommunication , television broad casting, meteorology , survey and management of resources are now designed and build indegiousnly INSAT satellite system. It is one of the largest domestic satellite systems in the world today. INSAT Systems got a substantial boost in 1999-2000 with the commission of INSAT- 2E and the planned launch of first two INSAT 3 A and INSAT 3 V of the five satellite series. It also extended C-band transponders. (21) IRS Satellite Systems: An Indian remote sensing satellite system comprises a constellation of four satellites. IRS Satellite Systems provides remote sensing services. Data provided by these satellites is put to use for application like agricultural crop acreage and yield estimation, ground water targeting, identification of waste land for possible reclamation, forest survey snow melting, mineral prospects, thematic mapping, and urban planning environmental monitoring and so on. Data from IRS Satellite is also acquired and used by several other countries like Korea, Japan, Thailand, Europe and Dubai under commercial agreements. The IRS series includes OCEAN SAT, CARTOSAT and RESOURCESAT and many others.(21) Satellite Launch Vehicles: ISRO has made substantial progress in the development of launch vehicle. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has already became operational with the successful launch of IRS is also plan to launch all future satellites in the IRS series by this vehicle. The PSLV is also being offered other countries to launch their satellites. A beginning was made by launching IRS -P4 (OCEAN SAT) PSLV-C2 was used to launched two small satellites namely the Korean (KISAT) and the German TUBSAT as pay load.(21) Part 2: Militarization of space: Space plays an increasing role in military activities. Over 800 satellites orbit the earth, many of which have military uses, from reconnaissance to guiding weapon systems. Satellites are the main focus of military activities. They are widely used to provide support for military or security related activities such as verifying compliance with arms control treaties. They are also increasingly used to provide direct support for military operations. During the 2004 Iraq war, 68% of munitions were satellite guided. (22) Right from the beginning satellite has an important military role during war time as well as in peace time.dependance on them is increased dramatically in last two decades. The previous methods of reconnaissance, communication, remote sensing etc are largely responsible for increasing role of military satellites. Some of the most commonly military satellite applications are; Reconnaissance and intelligence gathering functions. Command and communication Navigation satellites Early warning satellites Meteorological satellites Nuclear detection satellites (23) 1: Reconnaissance and intelligence gathering functions: The most known types of military satellites are these used to verify the extant and the composition of military forces. The most important role of Reconnaissance and intelligence gathering satellites is the verification of the agreed limitation of strategic arms and monitoring of new military developments. It is achieved by a variety of electronic and photo graphic means. Command and communication: Command and communication is one such application the satellites today meant for the purpose can provide instant communication between the operational forces and their national command authorities irrespective of the distance or time of the day. (23) Navigation satellites: The Navigation satellites are capable of providing data to enable position fixing with an accuracy of few meters. Early warning satellites: The role of these satellites is to detect the exhaust of rising ICBMs. These satellites carry large telescopes and television cameras to transmit photos of detected ICBMs.(24) Meteorological satellites: Uses of these satellites like weather forecast have been earlier benefits of space program. The weather satellites not only provide long range forecast for military planners, they also play a key roll in reconnaissance satellites. They provide advance information to the mission planners of reconnaissance satellite on whether the target area will be clear of clouds cover or not. When the reconnaissance satellite makes its plan, this eliminates the wastage of reconnaissance film.(24) Nuclear detection satellites: The idea of nuclear detection using satellites originated by USA. While finding ways to police a nuclear test ban treaty. The solution came in the form of Wela satellites. This has the capability of detection a nuclear explosion at the distance of Venus or Mars and reports its yield and other characteristics. What now after 1970 IMEWS (integrated missile early warning satellites) had taken over its place. (24) How India can weaponise space to effect conventional and strategic forces: ISRO opposed military applications for duel use projects such as SLV3, (satellite launch vehicle- 3) .Ultimately the defense research and DRDO based missile program headed by Dr. Abdul Kalam who was the project in charge of SLV3 at ISRO, DRDO borrowed him with other scientists and other technology resources from ISRO directly for Indian missile program at DRDO where Dr. Abdul Kalam designed the Agni missile using the SLV 3 solid first stage and liquid fuel second stage (Prithvi Missile derived). IRS and INSAT were mainly intended and used for civilian economic purposes. They also offered military spinoff in 1996.ministary of defense blocked the use of IRS 1 C by the Indian environment and agriculture ministry in order to monitor ballistic missile near Indian borders. Indian air forces doctrine also aspired to use space assets for surveillance and battle management. (25) Satellite navigations allow precision in the delivery of weapons targets, increasing their lethality. Satellite navigations can be regarded as a force multiplier. Satellite navigations also allow forces to be directed and locate themselves more easily in the fog of war. According to the report by IANS February 9th 2010 India is developing an intelligence satellite for detecting conversations and espionage activities. According to Defense electronics research laboratory (DERL) Rupees 10 billion has been allocated in for this project in cooperation with ISRO. The satellite will be fitted with the electronic sensors are more powerful than the remote sensors satellites of ISRO. Space craft should be ready to launch by 2014. Anti-Satellites Weapons: According to a TV press briefing during the 97th Indian science conference the director general DRDO announced that India is developing lasers and Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle that would be combined to produce a weapon to destroy enemy satellites in orbit. (26) Later in February 10 2010 DG DRDO and Scientific advisor Dr V K Saraswat said that India has all the building blocks necessary to integrate an anti- satellite weapon to neutralize the hostile satellites in low earth and polar orbits. He also said that the propulsion module and kill vehicles already existed in principle on the Agni missile series .he also said India doesnt had a formal anti-satellite weapon as yet, however anti- satellite weapons could be developed as the part of Indian Ballistic missile program which would be completed in 2014. (27) India also identified development of ASAT for electronic and physical destruction of satellites. In both LEO and the higher GEO synchronous orbits in its long term prospective plan s (2012-2027). (28) Launch capabilities: Geopolitical and economic positions during 1960s and 1970s forced India to start its own launch vehicle program. At its first days from 1960-70 India successfully developed a sounding rocket program. (29) By the 1980 the search yielded the satellite launch vehicle 3 and the more advanced augmented Satellite launched vehicle (ASLV) completed with operational supporting infrastructure. ISRO applied its capabilities and resources for the advancement of launch vehicle technology resulting in creation of polar satellite launch vehicle and geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV). 1: Satellite launch vehicles (SLVs) SLV was a four stage solid fuel light launcher. It was intended to reach the height of 500 Km and can carry the pay load of 40 Kg. (30) Augmented satellite launch vehicle (ASLV): It was a five stage solid propellant rocket with the capability of placing a 150 Kg satellite in to LEO.THIS PROJECT WAS STARTED BY THE ISRO in early 1980s for the pay load to be placed into geostationary orbit. Its design was based on SLV later it was decommissioned in 1994. (31) 2: Polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV): It was an expandable launch system developed to launch Indian remote sensing satellites into sun synchronous orbits .PSLVs can also launch small satellites in geostationary transfer orbit (GTO). The reliability of PSLV is proven by that it has launched 30 spacecrafts 14 Indian and 16 from other countries into a verity of orbits. (32) It also successfully launched 10 satellites at a time in April 2008 by making a new world record previously held by Russia. (33) 3: Geo synchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV): It is also an expandable launch system to enable India to launch its INSAT type satellites in to the orbit by making India less depending on other foreign rockets. It is the ISROs heaviest SLV which is capable of five tons payload to low earth orbit. (34) 4: Geo synchronous satellite launch vehicle Mark III (GSLV): It is a launch vehicle under development by ISRO which is capable to launch heavy satellites in geostationary orbits. Due to this development India will become non dependent for heavy lifting on foreign rockets. Its first flight is schedule in 2011. (35) Satellites launched by South Asian Countries: Till 2008 India launched 34 satellites indigenously or by other countries help. On the other hand Pakistan has launched 5 payloads in the orbits. Where as China has launched 83 payloads. (36) Areas of concern: In December 2006indian defense establishment conducted the first test of its missiles defense capabilities, in which an interceptor PAD destroyed a Prithvi SRBM at a height of roughly 50 Km. DRDO chief M Nataranjan stated that it was a major achievement of India although he acknowledged it would be some time before India might possess an anti-satellite capability.(37) Following the PAD anti-missile test, India conducted 13th test of BrahMos cruise missile. However it has not been able to develop a military satellite for the armed forces, along -standing demand of the latter. The military satellite projects being developed in cooperation with ISRO (38) When India will achieve its aims of armed forces military satellites that would be a highly vulnerable time for Pakistan. How Pakistan can respond: Pakistan is surrounded by two symbiotic (China India) and also Iran who is struggling in missile and space program. These countries have affected missile systems and satellite networks. To counter with these elements Pakistan must have an effective missile delivery system as well as effective missile defense systems. Both of these systems could not achieve the maximum results without any military satellite network. Reconnaissance and spying of the ground based troops, their movements and jamming or intercepting enemys network. All these elements based on spy satellites. To monitor the launch of enemys ballistic missile we should get thermal imaging capable satellites. In modern warfare systems all the three services should be interlinked with the battle fields with the help of sensors radars and communication satellites for the early warning and central command and control. Smart weapons like JADAMs their acquiring will be an asset for air force in this expensive race. Part 3: Economic effects of space race between India and Pakistan: The ISRO will receive 57.78 billion rupees ($1.25 bn) for 2010.its a 38 % increase over last year. 21 billion Rs will go to launch vehicle technology development while satellite technology will receive 10 billion Rs, a 45 % increase over the 2009 fund.(http// Budget of SUPARCO in 2009 was 3.12 billion rupees for its four on going projects in the next fiscal year. Rs 1.764 billion for PakSat-1R. Rs 100 million for the development of environment validation and testing (EVT) Satellite. Rs 84 for intelligence development and capacity building in satellite engineering and technology etc. (39) Both (India Pakistan) are the nations with one of the poorest populations in the world who are investing billions of dollars into space missions and satellite launches. Instead to over come the poverty both are neglecting the core issue. Pakistan has no comparison with India in space race and without a doubt Pakistan can not afford the space race. How Indian developments are being seen by international world especially China and USA: The India Space Program considered being a sign of an Indian effort which can maintain some measure of equality with China on the world stage or to create its own claim to great power status. Because its still behind China. There has been increasing debate of an Asian space race among China, India, and Japan to explore the lunar surface. India has over 40 years of experience in space and has achieved a comparatively strong and mature capability in space applications. In technological terms, Indian space program is roughly comparable with Chinas program except in human spaceflight and exploration. While India spends a bit more than Russia does on its space program. The percentage of GDP that India devotes to space is second to USA. India moves to advance internationalize space exploration and any cooperation with USA or Russia, will have a major impact on space exploration throughout the next decade and beyond. Although India cant have strategic parity with China, but the Chinese ASAT test has highlighted a new Indian vulnerability, as the country is about to develop in coming years modern military observation and communication satellites. Conflict between India and Pakistan, with the potential of nuclear armed missiles exchange remains a source of international concern. In such conflict , to de-escalate the crisis China can provide reconnaissance to Pakistan, of Indian troops movements and mobile- missile deployments would be crucial for india. While using its ASAT on behalf of its ally to blind India could be a serious concern for India. To counter these threats India can seek reinforce intelligence ties to USA and Russia to use their capabilities which China might be reluctant to target. (40) Conclusion: As the comparison of India and Pakistan we can clearly see that Indias space and nuclear program is going by every means. Whether it is spying satellites or deployments of other countries spy satellites like Israel or its anti- satellite programs. All these areas of concerns destabilized the integrity of Pakistan as well as other countries like Iran and China. International community can create obstacle in permissions and clearances for Pakistans nuclear and missiles due to Israel and Indian influence on world community. But the thing is that India has a clear intention to advance its space and nuclear program, Pakistan will have to take countermeasures which will include deploying its own satellites and there is risks that in this respect may it provoke a space race that neither can afford. NOTES: 1: 2: 3: history of SUPARCO 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: history of SUPARCO 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: (http// and Upper atmosphere Research commission 17: Dr. D C Agaraewal: satellite communication pg 344 18:Dr. D C Agaraewal: satellite communication pg 345 19:Dr. D C Agaraewal: satellite communication pg 347 20:Dr. D C Agaraewal: satellite communication pg 350 21: 22: (POST note December 2006 # 273) 23: Dr. D C Agaraewal: satellite communication pg 354 24:Dr. D C Agaraewal: satellite communication pg 356 25: mistry, 94-95 26: peter B de seldingindia developing anti-satellite spacecrafts space .com 27: India developing weapon systems to neutralize enemys satellites Xinhua Newsagency.2010-01-03.reterived 2010 -01-03 28: http//:timesofindia.indiatimes .com/india/india-to-gear-up-4- star-wars/articles/show/5970384.cms) 29: 30:ISRO vehicles. Jean

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pizza Hut Marketing Plan

Pizza Hut Marketing Plan Pizza Hut is subsidiary of yum! Brands. Inc. The worlds largest restaurant company with more than 34,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. Fast food industry in growing very rapidly and so many new companies are entering in the market. Due to the increased competition companies are losing their market shares. Pizza Hut is preparing to introduce a new product called The Pickle Supreme Pizza in the UK market. The Pickle Supreme Pizza target market consist of professionals those have less time, students, single person households, families with high or medium income. Geographically this product will target Asian people which we feel that are less served in future by Pizza Hut. The new pizza will expand the pizza line and provide more options in our well balanced menu. Our major rivals include Domino Pizza, McDonalds, KFC and other Quick Service Restaurants (QSR). The primary objective of this new pizza is to serve our Asian customers and take competitive over other competitors. We also want to increase our market share by 2 percent in the market with the help of this new Pickle Supreme Pizza. Our marketing planning process of this new product will consist to situational analysis of the market, 7Ps of marketing Mix and control and implementation stage in which our marketing team evaluate the effectiveness of our plan. The marketing department will be responsible of executing this marketing plan into action. SITUATION ANALYSIS A number of demographic and social trends in the UK increasing demand for the quick services restaurants. The divorce rates in UK and other growing trends shows that people are getting married later in life.These factors and many others like Government figures show the number of single-person households rose from 12% of all households in 1971 to 18% in 2001.The figure is expected to reach 38% by 2026.The trends in the 2000s showing that individuals are choosing to eat out more often than eat at home. Another factor to consider is the increased number of women working outside the home. As a result of more women in the workforce, household incomes are increased and are higher than past. The increased incomes and dual-career familys result in less time and people have no time to cook food at home. Also because of higher incomes, consumers have more income that allowing them to eat out more often and when they are at home they are looking for something ready to eat. Market summary The UK is the largest fast food market in Europe and every 6 out of 10 consumers visit Pizza Hut every year, 2 out of 10 for one of our main competitors. In the UK and Ireland, the pizza fast food franchise industry is one of the fastest growing sectors, with pizza taking its place as a popular food among consumers. Similar to eating trends in the USA, the UK is also expanding its consumption level with millions of pizza being consumed every year. As in America people eat 100 acres of pizza per day, or 350 slices a second, the UK is also catching up to this figure very quickly. In a recent survey conducted by BBC World found that 45% of people in the UK were agreeing that they like the taste of fast food very much. Pizza Hut market consist of professionals those have less time, students, single person households, families with high or medium income. Environmental  Analysis (P)olitical Political issues include regulatory and judicial system which may affect the business. As our target market is in UK and there are no series political problems in that market.  Increase taxes can affect pizza hut in future but better management will help us to overcome that problem.   (E)conomical UK is badly affected by rescission. Unemployment level is very high in UK and the savings of people are also very low. This economic slump in the UK will also affect the Pizza Hut because pizzas at Pizza Hut are expensive. We will consider this  factor when setting the price of our new pizza.   (S)ocial Every country has its own social norms, values and religion which can affect Pizza Hut according to its location. In UK people are from different back grounds with different religion and values. We will consider all these factors in our new pizza specially a large  Asian  community in UK which in past was less  served by Pizza Hut. (T)echnological Due to new technology there are so many different ways of marketing such as internet, telemarketing text  massages to the  existing customers as well as  potential customers.  We will use new methods of promotion to increase our market share. Target Market and Customer Profile This section includes the profile of the customers and target markets Asians Due to globalization people are coming from different countries in UK. Our major target is to serve Asian people with that product. Asian people like to eat spicy food and also large numbers of people are vegetarian or eat Halal food. This product will cover all those people. Students Students are the target market of Pizza Hut because they spend a lot of time with friends in universities and like to go out frequently for parties and celebrations. Dual-career families Dual-career families result in less time at home; they have less time to cook food at home. Also these people have higher incomes which allowing them to eat out more often.   Single person house holds The single person house hold are also increasing these people are a target market of Pizza Hut. These people are also like to eat out most the times. Higher and medium income Professionals High professionals are targeted by the pizza hut. Because of lesser time and high disposable income they prefer ready to eat food or eat out side. SWOT Analysis (S)trengths Strong Brand Name   Brand recognition is major strength for Pizza Hut. Pizza hut has the strong brand name and a market leader by providing large range of pizzas that strong image of pizza hut will make it easy to launch new pizza in the market. Loyal customers Loyalty of customers is strength of Pizza Hut. The loyal customer will also help the Pizza Hut to launch new pizza in the market. Strong financial position Pizza Hut has excellent international turnover and strong financial position will also help in new pizzas financial matters. Specialized in pizzas Pizza Hut is specialist in pizza making and this specialty will create a strong perception in customers mind for our new pickle pizza. Subsidiary of Yum! Brands,inc Yum is the worlds largest restaurant company and Pizza Hut is subsidiary of Yum brand. Full service restaurants Pizza Hut provides a full service restaurant and delivery services which some of the pizza Huts competitors are not doing. Because of restaurant facility Pizza Hut can market some other segments like families that other pizza chains cannot. (W)eaknesses High priced Pizzas at Pizza Hut are high priced. This is the greatest weakness Pizza Hut has in the market as compared with others. Higher overhead costs Pizza Hut has higher overhead costs, due to the restaurant services and extra facilities that other competitors do not have to deal with. Fewer outlets: Pizza Hut has the lesser number of outlets and consumers feel difficulty to find pizza Hut. The Pizza Hut chains are not spread as compare to the other fast food restaurants. More focused on western taste: Pizza Hut is more focused on western taste and less on others. The new arrival will also helpful to overcome that weakness. (O)pportunities New Pizzas with different sizes and taste This opportunity is always open for pizza hut to come with new tastes and sizes and served the better than others. We can generate more revenue with our new innovative pizzas. Pickle pizza will help us to take full advantage of that opportunity. Halal pizza Pizza Hut has the opportunity to provide the Halal pizzas and capture a new segment which will increase the market share of pizza Hut. Number of outlets Pizza Hut has the opportunity to expand the business so Pizza Hut should open more outlets to increase market share and compete will with others like McDonalds. (T)hreats Increased completion The competitions in fast food industry is increasing day by day, this increased competition reducing the profit margins in the industry and also cause a great decrease of market share. Low prices by competitors The prices of the competitors are the major concern for Pizza Hut. The competitors are offering low prices to the customers and have competitive advantage over Pizza Hut. Frozen pizzas: Other competitors to take into consideration are frozen pizzas that are available in super stores and grocery stores. Competitors Analysis Pizza Hut is facing huge competition in the market. Competitors of Pizza Hut are; Restaurants and cafes Fast-food and Quick-service Restaurants Dominos pizza, Inc. Dominos Pizza, Inc. is an international fast food pizza delivery corporation. Dominos pizza is the UK and Irelands leading pizza delivery company. Dominos first UK store opened in 1985. Dominos pizza is the direct competitor of the Pizza Hut. Low prices of pizzas are the real competitive edge of the Dominos. McDonalds McDonalds is the worlds largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers daily. McDonalds primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, French fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts. More recently, it has begun to offer salads, wraps and fruit. KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky.KFC is the subsidiary of Yum Brand. While its primary focus is fried chicken but giving tough time to the Pizza Hut. KFC also offers a line of roasted chicken products, sides and desserts. Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), Takeaways: There are thousands of local quick services restaurants are involved in the UKs fast food industry. These local takeaways are providing pizzas, fried chicken, and salads according to the local consumers taste and on very low prices. These restaurants are the real competitors of the pizza hut. The new Pizza Huts pickle pizza will help pizza hut to compete with these restaurants. MacDonald Corporation is the largest group among all top Fast Food corporations. It is having huge brand value as well as revenue, Moreover, the dominos Pizza Inc is the lowest earning group among all, but these all companies are having a universal aim to provide quality food at lower price to the customers. In order to survive in the global industry a company must come up with new tactics and innovations to charge ahead of the competitors. Product Offering We are offering a new pizza to our customers that will be especially popular in Asian customers and also other pizza consumers. New pickle supreme pizza will be available in all different bases and toppings. Available Bases Tuscani Pan The Italian Cheesy Bites Stuffed Crust Topping Topping of the pickle supreme pizza will be mixed pickle, mushrooms, mixed peppers, black olives (customers can add any other available topping of their choice). Availability The pickle supreme pizza will be available in our three menus with different sizes as other pizzas are available Restaurant menu Delivery and takeaway menu Collection menu Pizza deals The new pickle pizza will be available at all pizza hut chains throughout UK. We will take start from England and Wales and then cover Scotland and Ireland as well. MARKETING PLAN The opportunities are also the part of the marketing strategy. Marketing Objectives Pizza Hut has the largest market share in the pizza industry. The high quality of product and services of the pizza hut will help to ensure good chance at successful introduction of a new pizza. The fast food industry is famous for introducing new products to increase short-term sales. This new pizza will increase the market share of the company .Pizza Hut has the competitive edge in innovative products and this new product that will also be successful in the market. There is a high completion in the market; the introduction of a new product is required to keep ahead of the competition. One of our main objectives is to provide a pizza to our Asian customers and to fill a gap between pizza hut and our customers. As earlier mentioned that there is a large community of Asian people living in UK and we fell that they are less served by the Pizza Hut. The new pickle supreme pizza will help us to achieve that objective. Other objectives include Increase in fast food market share. Maintain the competitive edge of the innovations. Fulfil the demand of the customers. Increase in profitability and growth. Target markets The UK will be the target market of the new pickle supreme pizza. Our major aim is to catch Asian costumers by introducing this new product because we feel that they are less served in the past. Other pizza hut costumers will also like this new pizza. Changing social and demographic trend in UK contributed to increased demand for fast food and our target customers include Students, Dual-career families, Single person households etc. Positioning Innovations in menu and service offerings have been the key to Pizza Huts success in UK. Using product line extension we are positioning the pizza Hut an Innovative and quality food restaurant chain. Pizza Hut already positions itself as an excellent services and food provider in the fast food industry. Marketing Mix As with all businesses, the most important goal of a company is to increase revenue and profits. With the introduction of this new product we hope to increase the overall sales of the company as well as the services and quality of the products. Product The reason behind our success in all over the world is uncompromising drive in providing customers the best in terms of product quality, service, cleanliness and value. Pizza Hut pizzas are made with fresh dough baked daily and smothered with our very own 100% pure imported Mozzarella cheese. Pizza can be part of a well-balanced meal. Ingredients in our pizza include mixed pickle, mushrooms, mixed peppers, black olives (customers can add any other available topping of their choice). Pickle supreme pizza will be available in all sizes in which other pizzas are available such as individual (4 slices) medium (6 slices) large (8 slices). Pizza Hut has built a strong brand name that means quality products and services. Since Pizza Hut will be introducing Pickle supreme pizza customers will automatically think this is a high quality product. Price Pizza Hut is successfully using the high/low pricing strategies when setting the retail price of its products. This high/low pricing strategies will help to serve more segments in the market. The price of pickle supreme pizza should be set as  £5.99 for individual  £10.99 for medium  £13.99 for large Price skimming strategy will be used as Pizza Hut sets high initial prices for its products to send a signal to customers that its products are quality and the service is excellent. The medium and large pickle pizza will be available in deals as well by paying  £2.99 extra; customers can add salad of their own choice. Place At present we are using the direct distribution channels because our markets are very large and geographically dispersed. Other reason of direct distribution is that we have a large number of buyers, but a small amount purchased by each. Different methods of distribution will be used for pickle supreme pizza as company is currently using for other products. Home delivery is the first distribution method by pizza Hut. Pizza hut provide the pizza for those who want to stay at home and eat pizza. Online ordering is another distribution method that we are using now. Customers can go to the nearest Pizza Hut and can sit and eat there Pizza Hut provides an excellent sitting facilities to customers where they can sit and enjoy the variety of pizzas. This is the most useful distribution method for our pizza. Our new pickle pizza will be available in all distribution channels. This is One of Pizza Huts largest competitive advantages is its restaurant style facility. Promotion This objective of the promotion is to create awareness of the new product, Stimulate demand and change the short term behaviour of the customers. We will use different advertisement methods to introduce Pickle supreme pizza such as Advertisement on television Billboard in the main areas to get our customers Leaflets distribution in colleges and universities Door to Door distribution of leaflets In store promotions Banner ads Advertisement in Foot ball grounds E-mails Advertisement on the Web sites These methods are used to promote our product in the market. We use different types of advertisement to create awareness in our target market, we use leaflet distribution in universities to create awareness in student about our product. Advertisement on television in very expensive but we will use that method in the introduction stage of the product where intensive marketing in required. The objective is to create awareness among 90% of our target consumers about the new product. People Pizza Huts providing a very comfortable working environment and our employees are very flexible and they can adopt any change in product with great ease. We will arrange training sessions for employees to upgrade their skills according to the new product. We will put all our efforts to satisfy our employees. Process We will not compromise on quality and services in our restaurants. Our process will remain up to the mark for our new product as well. We have sufficient space for our new product to deal with. We will provide quality food, efficient services with on time deliveries. So our processes will continue without any problem. Physical Evidence Physical evidence is the place where the services being delivered. We are providing full service restaurants with family environment and excellent services. Our new product will also be available in restaurants menu and we have enough space to cover them. Action Plan The Pickle Supreme Pizza will be introduced and available to the customers in start of the July. The purpose of this action plan is to create awareness among the customers about their new product. Here are summaries of action plan we will use during the first four months to achieve our stated objectives. June In June we will start our promotional activities by using in-store advertisement with the slogan of coming soon or new arrival, advertisement on the Television in between world cup football matches. We know that this type of advertisement is very expensive but we expect that this type of advertisement will return us huge revenue. July We will start print media and internet campaign to target professionals, students and single households. We will start leafleting in universities, emails to the professionals and advertisement on the famous website like yahoo or msn to create awareness among our target market. We will continue in store advertisement in this month by giving special discount in meal deals. August In post launch advertisement campaign we will continue leaflet distributions and will use some less expensive techniques of promotion like emails, text messages, magazines and news papers. September We will continue our promotions but with less intensity. We will advertise in the news papers and magazines, leafleting with some other promotions on it in order To keep in touch with our customers. Marketing Research We will identify the market trends and the reaction of the target market towards the product with the help of different types of research methods. This marketing research will help us to identify the positioning of the product in the costumers mind. We will use the following methods to conduct our marketing research Questionnaires We will prepare a questionnaire that will help us in collecting primary data from the customers. The questionnaire will be consisting of different question which will cover all the points that will required to get the accurate research results. Surveys Surveys will keep us up to date about our customers expectations and make us fulfils their needs and wants more effectively. For this we would have to conduct a marketing survey of our market and try to find out that what our customers want and what they feel about new product. Whether they are satisfied with our product or want any up gradation in it. Live Market Test Live market test will work in two ways such as survey and promotions at one time. In store advertisement, promotions and distribution will be done and free samples will be offer to the people and feedback back will be taken from them. This feedback can positive or negative but will help us in future planning of the products. Feedback Form Feedback forms are also very important method of survey which will provide quick information with very low cost. Costumers will give information about their experience about products and services which help us to remove deficiencies if any. Financial Matters We are financially strong enough to introduce a new product in the market. The advertisement budget will be 5% of the projected sale. We are expecting that the Pickle supreme pizza will increase our sale by 6%, this forecast is based upon pervious products sale by Pizza Hut. This 6% increase in sale will bring  £600 million in revenue. It means advertising budget will be of 30 million. No other plant and equipment expenses will be accrued because the existing plant and machinery is used for the production of Pickle Supreme Pizza. Controls and Implementation We will establish a control program to help the management in measuring the results and identifying any problems or performance variation that need corrective actions. The control process involves establishing standards and measuring performance to correct deviations from standards. We will use different techniques to monitor quality and customer service satisfaction. This will help us to react very quickly in correcting any problems at the beginning. We will implement the following method to determine the effectiveness and customer satisfaction from our new product. Annual plan control In this method will monitor that whether company is achieving the targets and goals that are expected from the new product. Different are used monitor this such as Sales analysis, market share analysis, balance scorecard etc. Efficiency Control With the help of this will control on spending efficiency and marketing expenditures. In this we will analyze the sales force efficiency, advertising and sales promotions effectiveness as compare to expenses on all these things. Customers feedback This method will be used to collect information from the customers because this will help us to take immediate actions against any problem. Customers are the primary source to check the success of the product. Customers feedback will help us in taking further steps if required. Marketing Organisations Marketing director will hold overall responsibility for all of the companys marketing activities and all managers in the marketing department will report to the director. Marketing Audit plan will also executed enter the supervision of the marketing director. CONCLUSION I have critically analysed the Pizza hut and its current market situation and found that the fast food trends are changing; customers are demanding high quality food with excellent services and sitting arrangements. Pizza hut is offering large range of pizzas with salads, desserts etc, under one roof. Pizza hut also provide restaurant facilities to the customers. With the help of deep research of the market i found that the Pizza hut is losing large market share by ignoring a rapidly growing market of Asian Customers in the UK. These customers are less served by Pizza Hut but now its time to fill that gap by introducing a new Pickle Supreme pizza. The market environment of fast food industry in UK is very competitive. Pizza Hut is facing direct completion as well as in direct competition in the market in the form of Dominos, McDonalds, and KFC. Pizza Hut is a high price restaurant as compare to its competitors but providing high quality food and sitting facilities. Pizza hut has fewer number of outlets which is a weakness of pizza hut

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mulimedia :: Essays Papers

Mulimedia Introduction Below are the results of research taken out to access different multimedia designs and their internal components that enable them to compete in an aggressive environment Question One Internet Site – The National Bank ( Methodology When creating a website for a large company the use of the waterfall methodology is required. The Steps involved in the waterfall development are: Â · Planning (identify scope, plan development strategies and goals.) Â · Requirements analysis (what the website should do) Â · Design (How the website is going to work) Â · Implementation & Testing (Using the website and seeing if it works) Â · Support (correcting errors, improving and enhancing) This methodology was used because in order to produce an effective computer based application, particularly where the project is large and/or complex, schedules need to be met, costs controlled, quality maintained and specifications adhered to design methodologies will need to be followed. (Vehaart 2000) This is evident because of the online banking that is provided by the National Bank and there need for relevant up to date information at there website which is a large project to control without the use of Planning, Analysis and Design. Essential components Essential components for a website (Ruth Kastenmayer Webmaster and style guide editor at Judson College ( are: Â · Web page independence (Who, What, When, Where) Â · User-centered design (target audience) Â · Ease of navigation (clear easy to follow navigation) Â · Access speed (provide users with information they want in fewest steps) Â · Simplicity and consistency (easy to understand, similar setup) Â · Page context, and (where you are and where the next link is going to take you) Â · Functionality (ensuring things ‘e.g., links’ always work) On the above components I will access the National Bank website. When you first enter the homepage for the National Bank you are greeted with a large banner explaining what site you have entered, a list of click able links explaining what is held within, down the bottom of the page it has when the website was created but no sign of updates, all though you hope they do, and it has a tab header frame at the top of every page to take you to there homepage or other pages within their site. This site has its target audience in mind they are Mr and Mrs Joe Bloggs and students. This is apparent through their use of image cycling on their homepage where it cycles through images of couples, singles and students and the tailor made accounts that they offer for them. The even better part is when you click on these images it takes you to the information about that account.